Hormone Replacement Therapy


We offer a variety of hormone treatments including

Pellets, patches, creams, injections, and oral options.

Hormone Labs $425

(Labs may be billable through your insurance)

Hormone and lifestyle Consultation $300

Follow up Consultations $150

Hormone treatment cost varies per patient

Optimizing hormone levels can be life changing for many people. They may gain a sense of well-being, increased cognition and mental clarity, enhanced sleep, reduced anxiety and depression, stronger bones and muscles, reduced body fat, breast protection, prostate protection, and increased libido.

A comprehensive lab panel directs your treatment. One of your options is the low-maintenance in-office pellet procedure. Our hormone pellets are molecularly identical to those the human body naturally produces. With local anesthesia, we insert the pellets subcutaneously for steady release as your body needs them.

We also offer prescription options (creams, patches, oral tablets, and injections) for at-home treatment.

Testosterone falls in men 1% per year starting at age 30. Testosterone in women begins a steep decline in their 30s; by age 40 most women produce only half of their necessary testosterone.

Low testosterone is a widespread issue that most people are unaware of. Suboptimal levels increase risk of Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and muscle wasting (sacrcopenia).

People may experience symptoms like low libido, anxiety, depression, brain fog, low energy, aches and pains, weight gain, muscle loss, and insomnia.

Moore care, moore attention, moore answers.

Join us for all this and more at Moore Lifestyle Medicine.